Around the World II Revisited

My mom always said, “Changing her mind is a woman’s prerogative.” I don’t know if that encourages freedom or indecision, but I still embrace the concept. Which explains why I have decided to change my starter block for the Around the World Bee.

This is my starter (for keeps, it’s been mailed):
I love paper-pieced stars. I have decided to ask the group to make me a star, using the blues and greens
I have used in this starter block. The block has been moving at lightening speed and two more stars have been added to the package and they are stunning. I am excited to watch the quilt grow as it makes 23 more
stops at various points around the world.
The block pattern came from my EQ compass star pattern library, but I changed some lines around to make it my own.
It has been windy, foggy and cold here in the San Francisco Bay Area. The sun is shining today and promises to be warmer. I hope you are having a nice weekend.
Until next time,

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